6 Website Must-Have’s for Small Businesses

Websites come in different styles and colors but there are 6 things that your website must have to be effective in a world with over 1.8 billion websites. 1. Consistent & Professional Branding When people see your website, does it look consistent with your social media? Your website and social media should have consistent branding across all platforms. Consistency is …

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Why Mobile Friendly Web Design Can’t Be Neglected At Any Costs

With the rise of portable technology and the vast market that has emerged on the internet, focus of web design has completely shifted to improving user-experience. Website traffic has become a lot more reliant to how users see your site. If the links redirecting to your website take too long to open, or there are numerous 404 pages, then there’s …

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Crucial Concepts to Implement Whenever Designing a Mobile App

Businesses are pretty dysfunctional without apps today. Not only have apps become indispensable for driving a business, but also are integral to an institution’s key growth strategies. Adopting the appropriate strategy results in increased visibility and traffic that in turn, generates trade. When mobile apps have such significant standing in the give and take of society today, it is essential to give due consideration to their design and implementation process.

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