Why your Clients Prefer Online Booking

Online booking is better for business period. It allows you to optimize your schedule, waste less time on the phone, and make more money. Sharing your appointment calendar online means clients can self-book and you can focus on providing great services. But, if client experience is a top priority for you, you might be wondering: do clients mind booking their own appointments? Lucky for you, the answer is no, they prefer it.


  • Clients are busy too. It’s a huge pain for them to find time during work to call you. When they get home, they have a million other things on their to-do list – if your shop closes at 7pm, they’re probably going to miss you.
  • Convenience is key. Clients want to book whenever they feel like it. They shop online, order food online, why shouldn’t they be able to book a haircut too? Think of all those late-night impulse buys you’ve made while online shopping. Next time your client is surfing Pinterest and she finds a new hair color she wants to try, she should be able to hop over to your booking page and make an appointment right then. No phone tag, no missed opportunities for an appointment.


Clients expect to be able to do almost anything from their phone. They have easy access to it 90% of the time and they prefer to get things done on-the-go. If they can book you from their phone, they can book you while dinner is in the oven, while they’re in line at the movies, or while they’re comunting.


  • Noticing a theme here? In this digital age, clients have grown to expect convenience. They like to feel independent and informed. Give them the power to do their own research and make their own decisions.
  • If your service list is online, clients don’t have to wait on you for information. They can look up what services you offer, the prices, descriptions, and duration. They can be proactive about trying new things and they don’t have to wait until their next appointment to ask you if you offer facials or brow waxing — they can just read the info and book!


Rescheduling is a huge inconvenience for clients. If you want to keep them happy, make it quick and painless. Life is unpredictable – if something comes up, clients want the power to reschedule on their own time. Scheduling tools allow clients to reschedule their appointment at any time as long as it doesn’t interfere with your late cancellation policy. Self-rescheduling is better for business too! If clients have to call you, they’ll likely just cancel so they don’t have to do the back-and forth involved with finding a new time that works for both of you.